Sucking is a natural instinct for babies, because that is the way they eat. Thumb sucking can begin in the womb, as early as the second trimester of pregnancy. Thumb sucking in infants and children is common and they usually stop between the ages of two and four. At this age their front primary teeth begin to form and can be affected by the act of thumb sucking.
Why Do Babies Suck Their Thumb
Newborns and infants use thumb sucking as a self-soothing method to provide them with a sense of security. Other children suck their thumb to help them fall asleep. Children under the age of five should not be encouraged to stop sucking their thumbs since this is a natural action.
Popular reasons kids continue to suck their thumb are boredom and stress, which is why children suck their thumb during long car rides or while watching movies.
Negative Effects of Thumb Sucking
If the habit is not broken around age five, it can lead to serious consequences that affect the quality of their everyday life. Simple acts such as chewing and talking can be altered by thumb sucking.
The cute and seemingly innocent act of thumb or finger sucking can cause:
- Germs to spread and cause a child to get sick
- Infected thumbs due to sores that appear on the surface of the skin
- Sensitivity to the roof of the mouth
- A gap in between their upper and lower teeth
- Teeth to shift to create an overbite or an underbite
- Difficulty chewing food
- Speech problems- a lisp can form due to improper jaw alignment
Breaking the habit early can potentially prevent future visits to the orthodontists.
What Age Should Kids Stop Sucking Their Thumb
Many children stop sucking their thumbs on their own between the ages of two and four. By the time a child enters kindergarten or by age 5 they should stop sucking their thumb to prevent future dental problems. At this age their front primary teeth begin to form and can be affected by the act of thumb sucking.
How to Stop Thumb Sucking
When trying to get children to stop sucking their thumb it is important to get to the root of the problem. Some children are bored while others suffer from more serious issues like stress and anxiety. Finding out why they do it or what triggers this behavior is the first step to stopping it.
Here are some easy ways to stop thumb sucking:
- Try to relieve any anxieties or discomfort your child may be experiencing that causes them to suck their thumb
- Do not punish your child for sucking their thumb because it puts pressure on them, and can actually cause them to do it more. Instead try rewarding or praising them for not sucking their thumb.
- Try to explain to your child, using words they’ll understand, the long term effects thumb sucking can have on their teeth.
- Try using plastic thumb covers to break the habit. These covers make your child more aware of their habit, serving as a reminder not to suck their thumb.
How Can an Orthodontist Help Stop Thumb Sucking
The orthodontist can also help your child stop sucking their thumb. Contacting an orthodontist is a good way to evaluate the severity of the problem and receive advice from a professional about what method will best help your child.
We offer an intraoral thumb sucking device that is fixed inside the mouth to help break the habit of thumb sucking, by making it difficult to place the thumb behind the teeth. These thumb sucking appliances are often used for up to a year (or longer) until the habit is completely broken. Talk to your dentist at your next appointment, if you are interested in this appliance for your child.
If you are uncertain whether or not your child’s teeth have been affected by thumb sucking contact your child’s pediatric dentist. Also keep in mind that children can visit an orthodontist as early as age seven to prevent future dental problems.